Now that I am back in the loop (after my “day job” imposed blogging hiatus), I have started following my favorite blogs again. Luke over at Sonlight Blog had a particularly interesting post (soon to be a series it appears) on the process of making a video. Very, very cool! I think this could be something Kelly, Christian, and I should be watching. It could be a super help for some of the stuff Troy and I are doing at GaugeCam, too. When we make a video, we just start filming. I think that is probably just great for home movies–it works for us, but when it comes to making a video that tells a story or explains how to do something, it is abysmally deficient. I am going to run this by the kids tonight and maybe even turn this into a spring/summer homeschool learning project. We are looking forward to it Luke!
Day: March 19, 2010
This year our hits for the front page were down a little, but our overall number of hits on the blog were up significantly. I think that is probably due to the fact that many people arrived at the blog from searches on things like CLEP preparation and Amigurumi. Only hits to the main page are counted by the hit counter. Here is the annual hit counter screen capture:

This year, starting today, we have added Google Analytics so we will be able to tell how we did with a little more precision. We started this blog back in 2004, about the same time we started our homeschool (for the second time). We did not know is was going to be so much fun.
I have been a little slack in my blogging over the last month or so because of a very pressing work schedule. Kelly has done a much better job at posting than I. A lot of other stuff has fallen to the wayside, too, but I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have actively started to engage in a work on the GaugeCam project again and will be making some blog posts as well as writing some code for that project through the summer.