My cousin Neil Duerst is at it again. He ran over to Lakeside, Oregon and found our Finnish great grandfather, Oscar Raia Maki’s grave stone. Then he found an article about him that was written in 1912. We were especially happy to note that Grandpa Maki was a Republican!

OSCAR RAIAMAKI has been in Coos county for over twenty-three years and has been identified with various activities in this district during that time. He is the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of land and is carrying on its cultivation in an intelligent and scientific way. He was born in Finland in 1861 and is one of four children born to his parents, the others being: Henry, who is married and lives with his family in Finland; Andrew, who is also married and lives in Minnesota; and Gustus, who resides with his wife and family in the same state.
Oscar Raiamaki received his early education in the public schools of Finland and pursued his studies until he was thirteen years of age, when he left home and started to earn a livelihood for himself. He worked at farming, in the employ of others, until 1886, when he crossed the Atlantic and settled in Michigan, where he worked in the timber business for two years. At the end of that time he came to Coos bay and worked in the coal mines of Libby for five years, or from 1888 to 1893. In the latter year he took up a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres on North lake, cleared some of the land of its timber and built his home in which he is now residing. He is engaged in general farming but makes a, specialty of dairying and through the cleanliness and modern equipment which he maintains is well known throughout Coos county.
On March 12, 1888, in Coos county, Mr. Raiamaki was united in marriage to Miss Hilda Ruakay, a native of Finland, who made the journey to America alone. She was one of two children. Her brother, Frank, is living with his family in Finland. To Mr. and Mrs. Raiamaki were born four children: Emiel, whose birth occurred October 1, 1900, and who is attending school in Cops Bay, fitting himself for mechanical activities; Fred, born September 16, 1908; Ida, whose birth occurred on the 7th of February, 1899, and who is attending school in Coos county; and Olga, born July 20, 1902, who is pursuing her education. Oscar Raiamaki gives his allegiance to the republican party and takes an active interest in educational affairs. He has served as director of school district No. 2 for fourteen years and has done capable and efficient work along that line. The old country of Finland has given to the new world many upright and honorable men like Mr. Raiamaki who have brought with them to the state of Oregon, a steady determination and an energetic ambition which are bases of excellent citizenship.