"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Cleaning out the office

A congressman will visit our office tomorrow.  We have been tasked to clean everything up so it will be spotless for the high potentate and his aides-de-camp.  The purpose of the visit is to attract money (earmarks?) to help us in the development of our new technologies.  Hmmm…  So, I get to spiff up my office and kowtow to a (relatively minor) elected official for the purpose of attracting monies that will come from the taxes I get taken out of my paycheck.  This does not really seem like a great business model, but as long as MY company gets more of that money they YOUR company, I guess I am good.  Even if it does not work, at least I have a clean office for the first time in about two years.


Oregon: Divided




  1. Eric

    No sympathy here, man, I already drank that cool aid. In my line of work, I spend tax money like a drunken sailor (aptly punned) every day.

    You have to ask yourself the question, “Is what I’m doing really helping?” Politicians will tax and politicians will spend … bottom line: was it a good invesment of the people’s treasure in the end (i.e. are we safer/better off for having spent it?) If the answer is yes or even maybe, then it’s a good thing.

    Our government has a few mechanisms for procurement that are really quite unique and beneficial to innovation and entrepreneurship. Not all bad.

    In any case, good luck with The Suits tomorrow.

  2. Dad

    Thanks for the luck. On the way into work today, I heard that the guy who is coming is the guy that ramrodded a totally unnecessary rail system ($1/2 billion worth) through congress for NC. That is exactly what the economy needs right not is more pork.

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