We are having some firefights at work right now as we are coming up to another big laboratory trial of the product we are developing with one of our biggest customers. The system is not performing as it should so we are making modifications and performing tests runs like crazy. After we got one of those runs going last night, I spent some time cleaning up our homeschool computer. The release version 8.04 of Ubuntu Hardy Heron is coming out today and we want to try it out. This version of Ubuntu is what is called a Long Term Support (LTS) version which means the desktop version of the software will be actively upgraded and supported for at least three years. The server version will be upgraded and supported for at least five years. Ubuntu has worked so well for us over the last 2-3 years that we are looking forward to getting the next one. We highly recommend it. As of 8:00 AM EDT, it was not yet available. I am supposed to download and burn install disks for a number of my friends and colleagues, so I hope it go comes up sometime this morning. Sometimes the server load is so high it is impossible to get a copy until early in the morning, but I am hoping they are sufficiently ready for the load so that I can get an install disk in time to do our install this evening when I get home from work.