We completely changed our telephone setup when we moved into our new house. We always got wired phone service from the phone company before. In addition to that, we had to pay for all our cell phones and the added DSL internet broadband offered by the phone company. The problem was that we almost never used our regular phone service because we have our cell phones. So, when we move to the new house we found that we could buy “naked DSL” which is DSL broadband internet without wired telephone service. ATT is required to provide that service as part of their merger agreement from when they merged with Bell South. We have used Skype to talk to our family in Mexico for several years now and it just keeps getting better and better. We talk from our computer to Grandpa Lauro’s telephone for two cents per minute and from our computer to all the uncles’ computers for free. It is hard to beat that. The only hiccup is that the security system requires a cell phone of its own, but we are hoping that will change soon so that the system will work over the internet.

Special note: JoAnn Waldo is often posts on comments here on the ChapmanKids.net blog. We are sad to note that her mother Mabel passed away last night. We were in meeting with Mabel regularly for several years. She is a wonderful woman and will be greatly missed.