"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Ahhh… to love your job is truly a blessing

Working for a technology startup can have its challenges.  There are lots of insecurities associated with the business aspects of a startup, but it is certainly invigorating to work at the edge of what is possible in your chosen professional field.  I do not think I have ever enjoyed a job so much.  I am senior enough in my career to be given ownership of an element of the product we are developing that is critical to its success.  It is a hard problem that I cannot solve on my own, but I have access to some very smart people to help me.  I think one of the things I like best about being a senior engineer in this domain is that I know when I need help from someone else and I am not too insecure in my knowledge to ask for it.  Who knows how it will turn out.  My technology is not the only critical element of the system.  Even if I succeed beyond my wildest expectations, the product could fail.  All I know is that it is pretty wonderful to be at this point in my career and to not only love my work, but to be valued by my co-workers and management.


Doing math and signing away the Albany house


The sale of the house is recorded, we are finally gone from Oregon


  1. Carolyn

    Awesome Ken. I am going to write you on e-mail!CC

  2. Bryan

    Arghhhhhhh….. to have a job is TRULY a blessing!
    Installing door knobs can have its challenges. There are lots of insecurities associated with folks whose door knobs no longer lock or shine, but it is certainly invigorating when they have been repaired or replaced and the customer is again secure. I do not think on the job ever so much. I am senior enough in my job mainly because everyone else either quit or got fired. The hard part isn’t being senior door knob tech, it’s being the only door knob tech, so when I have a problem that I cannot solve on my own, I don’t have access to any smart people to help me. I think one of the things I like best about being a senior door knob tech in this domain is that I know when I need help, there is no one else around, so I can be secure in knowing that no one else knows I needed help. Everyone knows immediately when it doesn’t turn out. Even when I succeed beyond my wildest expectations, and the product still fails, I can always just replace it with new, or educate the customer to have no expectations. All I know is that it is pretty wonderful to have worked for someone else for over four years, and have no expectations for the future, and be easily replaced by management. 🙂

  3. Dad

    Hey! That is what I just left! Lets start something! I have an idea or two.

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