Man, is Ubuntu cool. This morning we went down to Holly Springs to go to the public library there. Right after I got on line with my trusty Dell Inspiron 1300 running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. I cost $449 brand new. it would have cost $399 without the Windows tax. The kids checked their books in and immediately came back to where I was sitting. I had already started this post, but they had heard the newly renovated library in Apex was reopening today, so we packed up the computer and headed out. I am writing from there now. It is a very nice library, but I kind of like the Holly Springs one better because, even though it is smaller, it has a coffee bar and you can drink coffee in the library and in the little theatre there. Is that cool or what. I am liking Holly Springs more and more all the time. I am really looking forward to the next Ubuntu that is coming out in October called Gutsy Gibbon.