Christian did such a great job on his Grandpa Lauro drawing yesterday, that I thought I would go ahead and put mine up today. Kelly promised she would finish hers by tonight so that we can post it tomorrow. I have mentioned this before, but these drawings are an outgrowth of our homeschool drawing program. Each summer, in the evening after I get home from work, Christian, Kelly, and I all sit around the dining room table with some classical music turned on loud enough to listen, but still talk. We work our way through a drawing course described in a book. The first two years, we used Mark Kistler’s Draw Squad. We loved that course, learned a lot, and would recommend it to anyone. Especially those with children between the ages of five and 90. This year we have moved on to a book that is teaching us how to do pencil drawn portraits. We have been a little lax this summer because of the move, but we are moving forward and getting better. Aunt Julia has identified our next book. She is taking a drawing course right now and I am not sure which book she is using, but she described a book for us that is supposed to be a classic work that teaches people how to draw. We are looking forward to it, but we want to finish this book this year and next before we get to that.

Alright, I can tell sarcasm when I see it! We are getting better, though!
That’s great!
JoAnn Waldo
Ken, it is such a wonderful thing when you don’t have to compete in order to feel good about your drawings. Keep up the good work with the kids!!
Thanks, Julia! Would you post the name of the book you are using here? The one we talked about on the phone last time we talked. When are you coming?
Thanks, JoAnn. We are really enjoying this a lot. You know, your grandboys would be AWESOME at Mark Kistler’s Draw Squad and I bet you and Jim would love enjoy it, too. We would be quite happy to post some results here, too!
Who is the anonymous “Wow!”?
good job Ken, but I think Christian Won…
also, I will recommend to my dad that it is time to start asking for money, now the model is asking for money,
because now he is famous, and he wants to get results because of all the time he spent, sitting in a chair,
waiting you finished the drawing.
Hey Ken,
Is he Don Lauro or Enrico Fermi ?
Great work!!!
humble Tio Laurin
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. – Picasso
“There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis,
then you’ve made a measurement. If the result is contrary
to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery.”
—Enrico Fermi
Now we will have to try to draw Fermi and see if he looks like Don Lauro!!