Here is Christian’s latest efforts in our class on how to draw lifelike faces. This is our fourth drawing, so we are not so good yet. Still we are making progress. See if you can guess who this is. I will post Kelly and my drawings when we finish them.

Christian’s portrait
We know exactly who this is, but can’t remember/can’t spell his name! This kind man was in our home on the occasion of Addie’s second birthday if I remember correctly, and I served him some very non-Mexican food. He and Eric got along capitally, even though they shared only a handful of words.
This is incredible art Christian, how long did it take you to complete this drawing? Maybe someday I will get the chance to show you some of the portraits I have done. Also, it looks like your medium was charcoal and pencil, is that correct?
Thanks for the introduction, Ken…wow, this opens up huge possibilities for us.
Just Pencil.
— Thank you!
Es guelo Lauro!!!! Esta exelente!!! Felicidades Christian, ya le volaste la chamba a tu tio Laurin! Saludos y abrazos! Manden mas!!! Los quieren mucho, nosotros 3
Christian, Your drawing is truely amazing and I think it is kind of weird that your dad says “we are not so good yet”… oh well, maybe he isn’t but you are! (I have seen his drawings of Lauro) I am taking a drawing class which starts next week and I hope I can learn to draw as good as you.
Love, Aunt Julia
Luis Leonardo, Minita y Rigo
Impresionante Christian!!
Van Gogh se quedó corto, eres todo un artista!!!
Christian, that is a WONDERFUL drawing of your Grandpa Lauro! You have captured his wonderfully sweet ‘character’ and it just makes me want to smile back at him. I have printed it out on some good paper and it looks good enough to frame! Keep up the good work.
Dave & Glad
Christian!!! You are going to pass me up if you continue at that rate! Your drawing is amazing and I am SO impressed! I didn’t even know you were an artist. I do hope you keep on drawing because you’ve got the gift and you can do great things.
JoAnn Waldo
Christian, that is such a wonderful picture of Grandpa Lauro!! I knew instantly it was him! You should have it copied and framed for Grandparents Day in Sept! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for all of the kind comments. It was really fun drawing the portrait.
Hola Christian,
This is great!, as we say in Spanish: “Me pongo de pie y me quito el sombrero!”, you are a real artist.
Drawing portraits is very difficult, only few artists can express the character of the person that they are
drawing or painting, you did it! CONGRATULATIONS, keep up the good work and practice!!!
The Humble Tio Laurin