"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

We are back

After a very nice ride all the way across the country, life is starting to move toward normalcy, kind of.  We are in our new home, but without hot water until Friday.  The truck is supposed to be unloaded today, so the rest of the family should be able to get on line and start reading their email sometime this evening.  We had a great time in our stay at the Gabharts in Indiana–the highlight of our trip out.  We hope they will come and visit us before too long.  I am back at work and enjoying it very much.  It is still going to take us a week or two to get settled in before I can start posting again properly.  One important note, though.  I feel WAY off the wagon on the diet.  Bryan send me your number, but be aware that I am thinking of switching the competition from how much down we are from our starting point to how far above it we have gotten.  Don’t you think that would be fair?


I am going back to pick up the family today!!!


Our neighborhood


  1. Carla Coleman

    Welcome to the South from us Georgians! Barbie Skalleberg mentioned to us that
    you were moving to NC when we saw her last week. You will probably remember me
    as Carla Turpin who used to hang out with the Wild Wheeler girls. I got married
    in 1989 to Gene Coleman, who grew up in Hillsborough, NC. We visit there from
    time to time as his folks still live in NC. We are also homeschoolers of three
    kids, and one dog.

    Hope you all get settled in and that we’ll hear from you soon!

    Carla Coleman

  2. Dad

    Carla, Thanks a lot for the note. It is great to hear there are other homeschoolers around! I DO remember you. We still have lots of friends in the Atlanta area including some people with whom my wife grew up in Mexico. While we were living in South Florida, Kathy (Wheeler) Evoy moved down there with Ron so my wife Lorena got to know her a little. We have met a lot of Colemans and Phillips both here in NC and in Indiana. We appreciate your note and hope to see you up here before too long.

  3. Trisha

    Glad you all made it safely!!

  4. Dad

    Trisha, we moved into our house and are now just waiting for your visit. When are you coming?

  5. Trisha

    Hmmmm, Spring 08

  6. Trisha

    Forgot to tell you we had an article in our paper about the decline of enrollment into “Government” schools in Klamath & Lake County. It was partially attributed to Homeschoolers, & Church Schools, but they tried to blame it all on just a lack of children! Riiiiggghhhhtt! 🙂

  7. Ok..so I haven’t been reading blogs for a while…life got too busy..
    and I got neglegent…so I am hearing that the Chapmen family of Albany are now living clear accross this great country???? Wow…would love to hear more about this…but for now I will just read back blogs…and perhaps I can catch up on the news…

  8. Dad

    Susie — thanks for the note! Yes, we are out here in a new and wonderful part of the country. I do not think I will ever get my family back to Oregon, but who know? The thing about which they are most satisfied is that they are not suffering through severe hay fever this year and that is a fine thing!

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