I am flying from North Carolina to Oregon today. I will get into Eugene a little before 7:00 PM. Dad (I really do have the best Dad in the world) is taking a crew of his old employees down to Corvallis and, with the help of two of our other friends–Darren and Spencer– will pack the truck. After Lorena picks me up, hopefully the house will be ready to go and we can drive up to Dad and Mom’s house for the night. Jim and JoAnn might even make it to the airport to see us off (and so I can get my last going away hugs). I expect to see them out in North Carolina for a visit before too long.
Tomorrow morning, we will go to Sunday morning meeting with Dad and Mom, take them out for a late Father’s Day dinner and then try to make it to Boise before we turn in for the night. Then, we will do one really long drive from Boise to somewhere around Grand Island, Nebraska on Monday night. On Tuesday, we are hoping to get to the Gabharts in Jasper, Indiana so we can spend Tuesday night, all day Wednesday, and Wednesday night with them, leaving for North Carolina right after a bible study on Thursday morning. We will stay in a hotel one night in Raleigh, then pick up the keys to our rental house in Apex on Friday morning.
We will try to keep the blog updated as we go, but it might be a little touch and go with that.
Yea! This is such good news! We are so excited to hear that you will be with us for a few days!
Is there anything you would like to do or see in Southern Indiana, or just hang out on the farm and talk about homeschooling and let the kids run wild? I know they will welcome the opportunity to stretch their legs as they will be tired of sitting still and riding in a car. We will have gosple meeting Wednesday night in Petersburg again as we did when you were here last. See you soon!
There is a really cool museum over the free way near grand island. Even if you had to run thru- worth it. CC
Dear Ken, Lorena, Kelly & Christian, Thanks so much for coming by and staying all night with us and taking us out to Sunday dinner. It seemed to me to go all too fast. All at once you were saying “Good Bye” and we know you needed to get those miles on your speedometer as there are quite a few yet to go. It was all too short a time but so glad to be in Sunday AM mtg. with you before you go forward into the next exciting chapter of your life It will be such a mind expeanding experience to meet new “friendS” and see such a beautiful part of the U.S. Now Janet is one her way to stay all night with us and I’m taking her to West Hill Gastroenterolgy tomorrow for a a colonoscopy appt. In 15 minutes it’s, GO BEAVERS baseball. More later. Love and DRIVE CAREFULLY!!! Mom, DAD
JoAnn Waldo
We were so glad to be able to pick you up from the airport Ken and to have a little chat (ours are never little are they?) while driving toward Lorena and the kids! And it was hard to say good bye. The neighborhood feels a bit empty now even tho we didn’t see you that much. Hope your travels go well. Say Ken we wanted to tell you that we saw Jeff May at Parma. His whole family was there but we didn’t happen to see them. He said to tell you all hello. Be safe on your Great American Adventure!
Love, Jim and JoAnn We picked up Tim for meeting :-)How bout the BEAVERS? Wohoooooooo
I’m so glad you are together as a family again. I just can’t really imagine Ken without you guys. You do know that he talks about you non-stop, right?
But Ken, are you welcome in NC after the OSU victory in the College World Series? I think you might want to keep your home state information under wraps.
Safe travels.
I am learning how to say Go Tar Heels! Oregon State who?
I know you guys are traveling but I’m seriously missing the updates! Withdrawal has set in and I may need long term treatment to recover from my addiction.
My Biology prof. said that Faith and Science should never be mixed together they are two completely different things. He quoted Paul saying that Faith is the belief in things we cannot see. Then he said that science requires you to see things and have evidence that they exist. I thought you might find that interesting.
Trisha, I promise to be more faithful as soon as I get back into town! We are traveling big time right now and I just am completely out of the loop! As for you professor, he is an idiot. Where does he think modern science came from. It is a PURELY Christian construct. We do not have an unreasoned faith. Science owes everything to Christianity (Newton, Bacon, etc.) The reality is that the underlying tools of science are philosophical and not observable (math is something we take on faith), etc. More when I get my head of water.
dittos Trisha! so… is the contest over? Did I win?
KEN!!!!! go Tar Heels? How could you!? Are you ok? First you turn your back on your life long friends and home state…. and now this!?!l And I know what a Beaver is… what in the world is a Tar Heel!?!?!
Is that racist?
Hope you have a great trip to NC!
Brother Vern left for Mongolia!
Where are you when I’m sitting in class looking at my prof. like he just turned into a flying elephant?? You know people with some values really need to start teaching college, of course I keep forgetting I’m going to school in OREGON which may be the problem right? Safe journeys to you, enjoy the scenery, may the air-conditioning work faithfully, and most of all NO CARSICKNESS, sick of car yes, but no Carsickness.
JoAnn Waldo
Have you arrived yet? Maybe a few more miles to go. We have been following along in our thoughts. Still am looking at silver vans and gray trucks when they go by on our road
Like Bryan said “what in the world is a Tar Heel?” We are having a great week with the grandsons! They are so awesome!
JoAnn Waldo
So good to talk with you this am Lorena and to find out you have arrived safely!! Glad that there is aircon everywhere!! Have a good meeting tomorrow!
Tar Heel State
The origin of this nickname is mysterious, though most historians agree that the name derives from North Carolina’s long history as a producer of naval stores–tar, pitch, rosin and turpentine–all of which were culled from the State’s extensive pine forests. The historians Hugh Lefler and Albert Newsome, in their book North Carolina: the History of a Southern State (3rd edition, 1973) state categorically that “[i]n fact, North Carolina led the world in the production of naval stores from about 1720 to 1870, and it was this industry which gave to North Carolina its nickname, “Tar Heel State”
We are actually wolfpack fans I think. Whatever school they belong to is the engineering school so… you know. At least we actually know what it is!