I worked through the weekend (except for Sunday morning meeting) and got a ton of stuff down for my job this weekend. It was a really great weekend in that respect, but now I have just a few evenings to get the apartment cleaned up, get everything moved into my pickup, get all the utilities lined up for our rental house, and get ready to go back to Oregon for the big drive east. It is a little frustrating to have a week long hiatus in my work at my new company, but even more frustrating to be here without my family. I am really looking forward to the drive out and am genuinely excited about my new job and the new people with whom we will be meeting for bible studies, gospel, and fellowship meeting. The elder of our Sunday morning meeting has invited the meeting to his home for the 4th of July. His wife is from Panama and speaks Spanish. They have a beautiful home with a swimming pool, so it should be a great time for Kelly and Christian and time for all of us to get a little better acquainted with our whole meeting.
Special note to Christian: This is what you want to get!!!
dear christan win wil you. cum we have chickans. and two cats. baby rabits. and guineas.
a climing tree. I have a bow and arose I am tring to soot a squirrel with it.
I can hardly wait for Christian to meet you! He is going to love to see your farm and all your animals. I did not know you had a bow and arrow. That is very neat.
Hmmmm, What’s that’s spelling program you use again? Tee Hee Hee. I have been looking at the Sonlingt website and must admit I feel a little overwhelmed. I have only 1000 questions for you when you come…and we are looking forward to it.
See you soon!
Homeschool is one of my favorite conversation topics, so when you get tired of talking about it, you will have to let me know. I will also send you the address of two of our other friends in Texas who are also using Sonlight. One of them is just starting it this summer and the other did it all year last year. Their perspective will be a little different than mine and they are great people you should know anyway! They also have kids your kids ages.
Dear Conrad,
I would like to see all your pets and your climbing tree. You will have to show me your bow and arrows when I get there.
We are coming in a little more than a week. You must have a lot of fun with all those animals! We just have 2 sleepy cats.
P.S. Good luck with the squirrel
dear christian my indin is Stroing bow. wut is yor indin name ?