Lorena is a champion. She has the house very, very close to being ready to make the move. She worked very, very hard and deserves much praise (and maybe even a new mattress for all her efforts. I cannot wait to get out there to Oregon to see them again and bring them home to North Carolina. Grandpa Milo is going to help organize the truck loading crew and we appreciate that very much, too.
I was going to call Trisha last night and explain to her why she should come on out to North Carolina to get her Masters degree, but ran out of time. There are STILL compelling reasons why she should consider this. The number two reason is that she would be close to her favorite cousins. The number one reason is that she would be on the other side of the country from Merle!!!
: ) WEll I need some more reasons while those are exceptional reasons It is still not enough to convince me!!
The universities out here are great. In this one metropolitan area we have UNC, NC State, Duke, and a bunch of other smaller schools. The NC higher education system has been recognized as the best education value dollar for dollar of and system in the US.