Stock Picks
Date=”June 13, 2007″, Symbol=”IVAC”, Price=”19.26″, Shares=”51″, Commission=”12.99″
Date=”June 13, 2007″, Symbol=”ACTS”, Price=”6.12″, Shares=”161″, Commission=”12.99″
Corresponding S&P 500 shares (for comparison)
Date=”June 13, 2007″, Symbol=”^GSPC”, Price=”1,472.18″, Shares=”1.3365″, Commission=”25.98″
Here is where I was, YTD, before the purchase.
Hey, I just had to share! I have 1 final left HURRAHH!!! As much as I wish I could say I was entertained by your stock picks, I can’t. Also, I passed another term of Español!! I have a story to tell you sometime about a Psych Proff. these people are a “special” breed! I am looking forward to my masters degree. I am hoping for a higher level of competence in instruction. Hope you are enjoying N.C. and I hope your family has a safe, wind at their back, journey out to N.C.
Trisha – Thanks for the note! Congrats on the school. You need to get out here for a visit between degrees or sooner if possible. I will try to call you tonight. You well know I LOVE Psych Prof stories!
Hi we should all be around tonight! It would be fun to chat w/ you.
Also keep forgetting to tell you we STILL cannot open the last Katkus kids we are very depressed about that!!!!