Last night, I was reading the Internet with Mom, when I felt a cold sore inside my lip. It was itchy and uncomfortable, as most cold sores are, so I bit down on it. I stayed like that for more than a half an hour and when I let go, the right side of my lower lip was bigger than a swollen watermelon with a gland problem. Mom freaked out and I started crying. At first we thought it was an allergic reaction to food or something. We put ice and Neosporin on it and Mom debated whether or not to go to the doctor. It leaned down on my face, and the swelling wouldn’t go away. We decided to stay home, but didn’t get to bed till 1:00 in the morning. Ugh… The lip deflated by morning, and Christian got a picture of it with the cell phone (yuck! I’m not going to post it up for obvious reasons) Needless to say, I survived, though just barely.
I didnt even take a picture in the first palce!!
Bummer! We would have loved to see that.
Those cold sores are bad. I know I have had a few. I can get one if I get a sour stomach from too much
I am exactly the same way Walter!