"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Month: May 2007

Bryan has been a fierce competitor, but now I have a secret weapon

As of yesterday, I have a new secret weapon in my diet wars with Bryan.  I cannot yet reveal it, but you will all be amazed at my new diet consultant.  Bryan now has no chance at beating me.  As soon as evidence rolls in that I can post here on the blog, I will put it here.  After that, Bryan might as well just concede.  Wait and see…

Travel makes for light posting

I am scheduled to travel to College Station, Texas, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, Manchester, New Hampshire, and possibly Tucson, Arizona over the next little while.  That is going to make for some fairly light posting for the next couple of weeks.  The kids are finishing their homeschool and we have been getting the yard ready for the spring, so everyone has been quite busy.  I hope to be able to post on some more interesting topics as the summer progresses, but it will probably not be until mid to late May or even early June.

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