On tax day, it is good to try to think of something else. This weekend, Kelly had seven girls over for a great thirteenth birthday party. Aunt Julia and Cousin Kylee came to run the show. One of the girls could not get their until an hour after the party started, so handsome 21 year old cousin Charlie filled in as Stella. He was HUGE hit. The game was pretty scripted, but it was really good for a first time party. Next time, they will get one for older kids that is still scripted, but a little less so. Everyone came dressed and got into acting their part. That night, everyone stayed up until 2:30 in the morning, eating and giggling.
On Saturday, Christian and I ran down to the bookstore to try to find a good drawing book for the summer. We have all wanted to be able to draw portraits, so we got one titled Secrets to Drawing Realistic Faces by Carrie Stuart Parks. Maybe our buddy Dellas will be able to come and draw with us using this book some day. This really takes it to a whole new level. The lady that wrote the book draws sketches of suspects for the police and teaches policemen and others how to do the same. It looks like an AWESOME book. We will try to go through that book this summer as our “sitting and drawing together in the afternoon” text. It is a much higher level book than the Draw Squad book that used last summer and loved so much, but I think we are ready.
On Sunday between meetings, the two new girls in the neighborhood came over to play kick ball with Kelly, Christian, Hannah, Jacob, and Haley. I think they will be a great addition to the neighborhood just in time for the summer. The lawn is in better shape than ever and will be perfect for games, picnics, camping out, and all that sort of stuff.
I gained a ton of weight, but am working valiantly to get it off before weigh-in day on Friday.
Your welcome, Dad. )C:<
That was ME Dad, Not Kelly!
This is what happens to the second child.
Christian YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!
I couldn’t agree more!