"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Month: July 2006

Calderon on the way to a win in Mexico

With so much family in Mexico, we have been pretty worried that the next president of Mexico might be a socialist.  The election was very, very close and, according to all the sources, very, very clean.  Probably better than our last several elections.  The latest news is that with 99.5% of the vote counted, the center-right candidate Felipe Calderon has a 0.41% lead.  Amazing.  The hard left candidate Obrador is calling for protests, but most feel that the people do not really have the heart for a big fight; they just want to get on with life.  I hope that is all true.  Calderon appears to be quite a good man.  This precedent of a clean election could be a great new beginning for Mexico after six reasonably good years with President Vicente Fox.  Congratulations to Mexico for their clean election.  Let’s hope it holds up.

July 4 in Independence, Oregon

We had a super four day weekend.  On Saturday morning, we drove to Klamath Falls to see my cousin Merle, his wife Carolyn, and their daughter Trisha.  On the way down, we stopped off to say Salt Creek Falls and Crater Lake.  They were awesome.  I put up a few of our pictures on the post previous to this one.  Then on Independence Day, we went over to Kim and Mark Prescott’s beautiful home to play baseball, eat barbeque, and go to the Independence, Oregon fireworks.  It was a wonderful time for everyone.  The two youngest Prescott kids are very close in age to Kelly and Christian, so all of them had just a super time.

Crater Lake and Salt Creek Falls

We had a great time with Uncle Merle, Aunt Carolyn, and Cousin Trisha. Here are a few pictures we took:

Salt Creek Falls

Salt Creek

Crater Lake 1

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