Christian working on his AM/FM radio kit
Christian working on his AM/FM radio kit

We really did not do much over the Memorial Day weekend. On Saturday we did not do much other than go out to eat, get the sprinkler system to start working automatically, go to the library, and watch the Two Towers DVD with Warren Bone. The kids had read the book and I promised them they could watch the DVD when they finished so we watched it. I thought it was going to be too scary for them, but it did not phase them at all. On Sunday, we went to our fellowship meeting at the Waldo’s, then just hung out for the rest of the afternoon. Christian and I started in on assembling his AM/FM radio kit. That was a LOT of fun. On Monday, we went up to Washington Square for a couple of hours then on over to Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah’s house. Grandma’s twin sister, Aunt Janet was there. I have some pictures I want to post, but my gallery is not working right now. The wonderful people at are working on it, so I will put the photos up as soon as that is fixed.