Curt Nichols is coming over to stay with us tonight. He is going to some event at Oregon State University and we will be glad to have a chance to spend some time with him. We will try to invite Warren Bone over, too. It will be old home week. We can listen to some music, eat some barbeque, and talk about the good times. Curt was going to bring his youngest daughter, Marlena, but she will stay with her Grandpa and Grandma in Sisters instead. I hope she will come next time because the kids will love to have her.

Homeschool is really starting to wind down. The kids are working ahead a little so things are falling off the list. They had plenty of time yesterday to do other stuff, so Christian worked a bunch on the model submarine his assembling and painting. Kelly drew up a cartoon. Next week will be a very light week with emphasis on making a video recording of the verses the kids have memorized and finishing the annual reports..

Kelly is going to her sleepover with her homeschool buddies at Mike and Louise Doolittle’s house. We will have our dinner tonight with my old college buddies. Then tomorrow, we are planning to go do something in the morning with Christian. I will probably try to mow the lawn and get some better pictures of our new trees if the weather cooperates. Finally, we have the big spring piano recital at Jefferson Baptist Church on Sunday at 4:30 PM. Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah are going to be up trying to help Uncle Bill and Aunt Betty get taken care of after their recent illness.