Lorena thinks she did OK on her College Algebra midterm last night. She has been pretty discouraged about this class because it is so difficult. It will be great if she gets a good grade. She is very smart and has studied hard. I think she will do just fine. Hopefully, she will receive the test results tonight. Kelly, Christian, and I went to our Wednesday night Bible study last night in Jefferson at the Myers. On the way to meeting, we ran through the Jack-in-the-Box drive through. The kids shared a Panido ham and turkey sandwich while I got a hamburger. I have to quit eating like that. I left my billfold in the car after meeting, so I guess I will go without lunch today to make up for my gluttony! Lorena and the kids have to go to the Hickenlooper’s house in Jefferson for piano lessons today. That is the opposite direction from Corvallis, so there is not much chance I will be able to get any money or food until I get home.

I spoke with the CNC router guys again today about the machine they are building for us. Supposedly, I am going to get an email with an image of it today so that I can look at it and it can ship out to us. I hope it does not take too much longer.

We are going to Tony and Martha’s house tomorrow night for dinner.