Now that Joe and Lyle are heading off, we have started our Wednesday night bible studies again as the gospel meetings have been shut down until this fall. We went out to Steve and Elena Meyers house in Jefferson. It was a really good study on judging and judgement from Matthew 7.

After I order Christian’s crystal radio kit yesteday, I got to thinking it would be a great thing to go ahead and get a subscription to Popular Science magazine, too. It is pretty goofy on some of its thinking on evolution, but it is generally a pretty good magazine on what is going on in the world of science explained in a popular (not too complicated) way. I think both Kelly and Christian will enjoy it a lot.

Yesterday afternoon, Ron Voorhees, our Quality Corners partner called and said that he had received a telephone call from our biggest customer. That customer wanted to buy rosettes from us. Ron mentioned that we are in the process of adding CNC routing capability at Quality Corners. They have a customer that uses between five hundred and a thousand relatively large, shaped rosettes per day. We could make them very inexpensively on our new machine. The best part is that the end customer thinks they are paying too much right now and they probably are. We would be able to make these for the price of the materials and then not much more than the parts we are currently making. We should be able to get between a 70% and 100% gross margin. The conversation led us to believe that we could very easily capture more of this market if we come up with a complete line of rosettes. I am excited to get going on this as it might be the thing that frees me up to work in Quality Corners full time.