Christian's new lamp and guitar standI drove down from Prescott to Phoenix last night to spend the weekend with Christian at his apartment in Tempe. We have been out shopping all day. He spent less than $50 to buy a coffee table, a side table for the sofa and a computer monitor table. Then today, we went out and he bought a guitar stand, a desk lamp, a floor lamp and a hand vacuum. We had a great time. He is now heading out to a game not at his friends house while I hold down the fort in is apartment and get some work done. Tomorrow we get to go to meeting and hang out together again.

We went to Jack-in-the-Box today for dinner. We had a teriyaki rice bowl and a taco. What other fast food place in the world serves rice bowls and tacos. And the tacos are not just any tacos. The are the really greasy, tasty ones you can only get at Jack-in-the-Box. Christian was kind of sad I had not introduced him to haute cuisine of fast food earlier. The reality is, we ate it all the time when we were in Albany, he just liked the sourdough burgers back in those days so he never learned. Now he knows.

Betty Blonde #245 – 06/24/2009
Betty Blonde #245
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