Christian's new Real Analysis bookLate last night, Christian sent Lorena a Snapchat that reminded me my mind is not as able as it used to be, In some ways, I think that is a good thing–there are lots of good things I can still learn without hurting my brain. He was genuinely excited about it and, having seen this before, I know he will actually read the thing and to the bulk of the exercises. What a great thing. It inspires me to dive back into a learning project or two. In that regard, I found a new Predictive Analytics tool this weekend called RapidMiner that I want to learn how to use. It really looks like the learning curve is not too steep and it is something I could use every day in my job.

So, thanks for the inspiration Christian. I a looking forward to this.

Betty Blonde #479 – 06/07/2010
Betty Blonde #479
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