There is a great article about which I have been meaning to write titled What I’m never going to tell you about homeschooling. Really, it is not about homeschooling. It is about life and parenting. No one has any idea about what will happen to their kids. I think most people have good intentions when it comes to their kids. You might ask why I do not think ALL people have good intentions for their kids and would have to say it is a long conversation, but some of it has to do with the idea that if you are too much about yourself, you probably do not have good intentions for your kids.

We heard all those things people hear about the different stages kids pass through. And our kids have passed through most of them. Now, I am just as apt to be the one telling even though our kids are arguably still going through the last of those “kid” level stages right now. Other “young adult,” “young married,” “middle-aged” and other stages are on the way. The thing I liked about the article was that it addressed the fact that there is not much you can do about how your kids think and live their lives because free will gets in the way. Just because they did good at one stage along the way does not mean they will do well at the next.

My goal in all this is to quit trying to analyze what people do and try to start being more of an encouragement. There is lots of pain we cause ourselves, but sometimes it is really not our fault.

Betty Blonde #475 – 06/01/2010
Betty Blonde #475
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