Christian at Logan Airport, Boston on MIT Lincoln Lab visitIf I have the time right, Christian, at this very moment, is presenting his Information Theory research at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. This is the first time he has done this kind of formal presentation (with a tie and all that). It is the culmination of a full year of research in a brand new (to Christian) area of Mathematics and Electrical Engineering. Lorena and I are on pins and needles waiting to hear how it went. If all goes well, this should eventually turn into a refereed conference paper and, with expanded research and content, possibly even a refereed journal article.

The next step after will be his “quals” presentation which will be this same research work but to his doctoral committee back at Arizona State. I am not sure what happens after that, but it probably has something to do with preparation for “prelims” or “comprehensive exams” which are usually pretty challenging.

Betty Blonde #378 – 12/28/2009
Betty Blonde #378
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