(10:00 am) I flew back to Raleigh yesterday so I could be with Lorena to get three very impacted wisdom teeth removed. They will put her under to do the surgery. We were told it is a fairly routine procedure that will take about an hour. This is the first time we have had an event like this so there is a little bit of apprehension, but it is nothing like some of our dear friends who are currently going through more onerous procedures. We will keep you posted.

(11:00 amI just left Lorena with the anesthesiologist after speaking to the surgeon. He decided we should do this as a two step process so there will be at least one more surgery after this one. Because there is an issue with one of the teeth, the doctor will just take that one to maintain focus on the problem area and reserve the other two teeth and perform some repair on a second pass depending on what he finds. I am now outside in the waiting room. They will page me when it is over and are ready for me to go back in.

(11:30 am) My beeper just went off and I was the surgery had started, the first incision had been made and everything was going just fine.

(12:30 pm) Lorena is out of surgery. We will not know what happens until the material around the removed tooth can be evaluated. Lorena will need to have a bone graft (from the hip) to replace some of the material eaten away by the cyst. So, as soon as the information comes back, the surgeon will know how invasive the work needs to be, then we will schedule a second surgery and that should be it. She will need to go on a liquid diet (zero chewing) until the next surgery is complete. They will call me to be with Lorena in just a bit when she recovers from the anesthesia.

(2:20 pm) We are out and headed home. More in a bit.

(5:30 pm) At home after picking up prescriptions for pain and infection. We also stopped by Harris-Teeter to pick up a ton of excellent non-chew foods. We are now in waiting mode to find out when Grandma Conchita can get here and what the lab report says so we can learn about the next steps.

Betty Blonde #166 – 03/05/2009
Betty Blonde #166
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