Day 981 of 1000

Matt Walsh takes on the government schools and the “socialization” that takes place there.  He nails it.  You can read it all on his blog here.

‘Socialization’ — in the public school context — means that your child will simply absorb behavioral cues from her peers. She learns to socialize by aping her friends, who are themselves only copying other girls. She learns to repress the parts of her that don’t fit in, and put on an exterior designed to help her fade into the collective. I’m not theorizing here, this IS the social process in public school.

There is nothing positive about any of this. Nobody is better for it. Nobody benefits. The psychological damage can be lasting, maybe even permanent. Again, this is not my theory. This is just the way it works.

Betty Blonde #106 – 12/11/2008
Betty Blonde #106
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