Day 886 of 1000

Kelly and Christian made good friends when they went to Wake Technical Community College.  Of their three closest friends from that time, two entered five year co-op programs, so will graduate next year with a boat-load of engineering experience.  The third is an Iraq war vet name Mike who is nothing short of amazing.  We expect to hear very big things about him some day.  I hope it is in my lifetime.  He will graduate this May the same time as Kelly and Christian with a degree in Computer Science.  They have all maintained very high grades since the arrived at NCSU at least partially due the stellar preparation they received at community college.  I guess I never expected these kids would stay in touch.  Actually, the kids from the community college seem to be significantly more mature both in their studies and in the way they live their lives than the kids that started out at NCSU as freshman.  We are glad and thankful the kids started at Wake Tech.

Betty Blonde #52 – 09/26/2008
Betty Blonde #52
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