Day 851 of 1000
Betty Blonde #25 – 08/20/2008
Betty Blonde #25
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The kids both had a successful first semester of their Senior year.  Kelly’s was fun and included a trip to present her first undergraduate research.  Christian’s was downright ugly.  He took two very hard graduate math classes in Linear Algebra and Probability and Stochastic Processes as part of a normal amount of undergraduate credits for a total of 15.  In addition, he continues to perform undergraduate research at NCSU’s Optical Sciences Laboratory.  I honestly believe Christian will never have another semester where the material is both as complex and voluminous as this semester.

Their grades were great.  They have both made the Dean’s List for every semester for which they were eligible.  They are both signed for their final semester at NCSU and the tuition is paid.  Christian has a much lighter class load, but a pretty heavy research load.  Kelly has 15 hours of relatively tough classes, so she might be the one to struggle this semester.  One of those classes is a continuation of her undergraduate research which takes a lot of time.  Graduation day is May 10 and they are still on track.

The other really good news is that I am home now through the holidays.  I work on Monday and am then off until I fly back to Arizona on January 5.  Hopefully, I will be able to help Christian with some of his research.  Kelly’s is on a hiatus for awhile.  The funny deal is that Christian’s research area is one in which I have something to contribute, while Kelly’s research area makes her more able to contribute to me than vice-versa.