Day 597 of 1000

Christian at the Spring 2013 NCSU Undergraduate Research SymposiumChristian dressed up today to go to the McKimmon Center at NCSU to show off a poster he made for the Spring 2013 Undergraduate Research Symposium. He made the poster for his work at NCSU’s Optical Sensing Laboratory where he is designing, building, and characterizing a Black Body Source for infrared camera and spectrophotometer calibration under the Tutelage of Dr. Michael Kudenov.  I think Christian was a little nervous when the thing got started, but he texted me that a lot of his buddies were there with him, doing the same thing.

Christian did not really have much to show because this is the first semester of a two semester project.  He is just getting started building the device and has programmed (in assembly language) some basic functionality into it.  When we get back from California at the first of June, Christian will devote about six hours per day to this project until it is complete.  He hopes to be able to present some good data and a manual that explains how to build and use the device.  The big deal about what he is doing is not so much about what it does, but what it does for less than $1000.  I am looking forward to seeing how this all turns out.