"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

They are studying hard now!!!

Here are Kelly’s multivariable calculus notes that she texted to me from her review class.

Kelly's multivariable calculus review notes for the final


My last day at Bioptigen


Off to my new job in Charlotte!


  1. Ruthie

    Sketching skills come in hand while studying Hard stuff like calculus and physics!

  2. Ruthie

    Sketching skills come in hand while studying Hard stuff like calculus and physics! My girls are spending the evening in the MESA building at the college studying for their physics final that is tomorrow morning.

  3. Dad

    Wow! Both of the have Physics. That is a VERY ugly, hard class (but very cool)! Congrats and good luck!

  4. Ruthie

    Actually, they both enjoyed it alot. Emma had taken it in highschool, but Mattisse had not. They both passed with flying colors and were proud of themselves. I am proud of them also. At least a third of the class dropped out along the way, which is sad, since you have to pass the math assessment even to get into the class so they were at least minimally prepared to take the class. Physics takes much study time so understand it. I’m thrilled that the girls stuck it out, studied hard, gave it the extra push to get through the cumulative final, and survived!

  5. Phong

    It’s heavy math. I’m clueless even thou used to be in Math program

  6. Dad

    Thanks for checking in here Phong!

    It is TOUGH, Ruthie! You should be proud.

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