"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: September 4, 2011

Laurel and Hardy dance to Santana’s Oye Como Va

Laurel & Hardy dance Santana — Amazing

Laurel and Hardy dance to Santana's Oye Como Va

Laurel & Hardy dance Santana — Amazing

Sunday lunch: The kids cook Tuna Helper

Day 13 of 1000

We maintain such a focus on education that we have to make a special effort to assure the kids learn to cook, clean (house, clothes, dishes), maintain (car, yard, house plants, animals, finances), and the other, more mundane tasks required to run a household.  Today, Lorena wanted to run out to do some shopping so the Kelly and Christian are teaming up to clean the kitchen and cook Tuna Helper for lunch.  I LOVE Tuna Helper.  Right after I put them to work I read Jay Nordlinger’s National Review Online post about members of his family who love powdered eggs and powdered milk.  We were one of those families who economized with powdered milk during the 1960’s when my dad was struggling to get his business started.  Now I look at it as a badge of pride that we drank powdered milk.  I am glad other people see it the same way.

Sadly, Kelly just said, “We can not make the Tuna Helper because we have no milk.”

“We can make it with powdered milk,” responded Christian.  “There is some in the pantry.”

“But it is three years old.”

It looks like I STILL have a lot of educating in front of me.  This reminds me of how many times I have heard people say, “I drank water from a hoof print in a cow pie and was glad to have it.”

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