"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Kelly and Christian cook for Christmas

We had a great Christmas dinner yesterday.  Christian and Kelly cooked.  I am now simmering down the remainders of the turkey for soup.  Right after we were married, I made the best turkey soup I have ever made, then somehow lost the formula.  I have been spending all the years since then trying to recreate what was so good back then.  Maybe this year will be the year!  I will work on that when we return from the gym later today.


A special holiday homeschool song


The kids are playing but Dad is working


  1. Karen

    OK – so now we are really curious as to how the soup turned out?!

  2. Mrs. G.

    Kelly, I love your glasses! We made turkey too! (But like Faith, Hope and Charity we actually grew the turkey 😉 )Now we need leftover ideas. We’ve had turkey pot pie, and white chili. Any suggestions?

  3. Ruthie

    The baking at your home looks much more civil that the onslaught that took place at the Graham household the other day!

  4. Dad

    Hey Mrs. G., I am quite sad to have to admit that we fooled around so long with the turkey leftovers that they went to waste. That is very, very sad indeed. I think we are going to have to do another turkey. I think the whole year will be ruined unless I have some turkey soup made from bones!

    As for the civility, Ruthie. If we just obey Lorena as we ought, then everything runs smoothly. Havoc reigns supreme and the volume in the kitchen explodes when we forget that principle!

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