Tomorrow is the day of the big cookie exchange! Yesterday night, mom and I made these maple-pecan cookies.  So far on our list of cookies we have coconut macaroons, date balls, butterscotch cookies and two different kinds of chocolate chip cookies.  Today we went to Target to get a bunch of cellophane treat bags and normal gift bags to package the cookies in. We also got sprinkles and pre-made, pre-cut sugar cookie dough for decorating cookies during the party.  Sadly, it did not really occur to me until now that pre-cut cookie dough would not be good for cutting again with Christmas-themed cookie cutters.  Fortunately we have a bag of sugar cookie flour in the back of the pantry somewhere, so I think I’ll just pull that out and make a batch.  For drinks we are having sparkling cider, coffee, and a unique kind of cranberry tea. When we lived in Oregon, there were always these two cute little craft shows in our area every year.  One was located at the local grange and they sold things like embroidered pillows, candles, art, homemade jam, cute things to put on your wall or on your desk. It was really cozy and old-fashioned.  The other one (The Vintage Roost) was in a small shack on someone’s property.  It was very pretty inside, and it was different than the first craft show.  They sold things that were more unique.  Anyway, the lady that owned the place had a big pot of homemade cranberry tea for all the customers.  It was SO good.  She gave mom the recipe, but we hadn’t tried it until now. 

OK, so I’m obviously looking forward to that.  In other news I passed my CLEP Spanish exam yesterday!!! Dad already has the details on that below, but it’s a big thing for me, so I don’t think it’ll hurt to mention it twice in one blog. 🙂  Now I’m studying my head off with the CLEP US History 2 book.  It has an obvious leaning towards one side, and that’s not really helping the going get any easier. And taking notes is not my forte anyway. But I’m almost done and soon there’ll be another few college credits to put in my pocket!!  So I’m happy!

Well I’d better go and draw another Betty Blonde. I’m behind schedule!!! :O
