I just found a book on critical thinking among those that were sent to us by Sonlight. I looked through the lesson plans, but could not find where it fit, so I just started Kelly in on it yesterday. It is a book of logic problems that might help her think about things in a little more creative way. Christian is doing well in his math, but I think I am going to start him back on addition and subtraction flash cards before we go on to multiplication flash cards. He does great on the math, but has to calculate some of the additions and subtractions instead of just knowing them.

I have started writing up a plan for a family business on our other website here. Over the next year or two, we want to identify, plan, develop, and run a business that will both provide the kids with some college money and teach them how a business works, and give them some responsibilities. It should be interesting.

Today is Veteran’s Day, so Lorena and the kids will both have the day off from school. We try to time most of our days off to coordinate with days off for the local government school so the kids can have a chance to play with some of the neighbor kids.

We are doing just fine on our schedule. What I have decided is that we are going to just cover the material provided in the Sonlight program and then quit. I think we should be right on schedule. I was thinking I would like to spend whatever extra time is required to get the kids up to where I think they should be in math this year, but we are going fast enough already that I I thnk we will be close to where we want to be when the year ends. I really think that is best to have a firm demarcation to transition from the school year to the summer. We will switch over to Mavis Beacon typing again for the summer, but that will be the entirety of our summer work.